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Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report
By Contractor Location Data -- Sorted by Congressional District

(FY 2012 Defense Contracts Baseline Data)

Estimated 9% to 18% Annual Budget Reductions Starting in FY 2013

Go to to view detailed reports on Iowa counties, cities, Congressional Districts, industries, small businesses and information on sources and methodology.


  • Our military is carrying an unfair burden of deficit cuts. To date, our Defense budget has been hit with 50% of deficit reduction -- yet it accounts for less than 20% of total federal spending. As a result of these cuts, in 2012 President Obama limited U.S. military capability to fighting one "regional conflict" and one "holding action."
  • Sequestration Defense budget cuts of $500 billion, combined with previous Defense cuts of another $487 billion, will cut defense spending in local communities by 9% to 18% between 2013 and 2021.
  • These reports show how estimates of defense budget reductions from 9% to 18% could affect Iowa with cuts in defense jobs and businesses. Ask your elected officials for ongoing updates on how these defense cuts will affect your community.
  • Alternative solutions have been proposed to maintain a strong defense, reduce our deficit and avoid tax increases. Elected officials have proposed that the President and Congress reduce mandatory entitlement spending and make cuts in the non-security programs in the Federal budget. Over 60% of federal spending goes to entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and now Obamacare.

StateContract YearDistrictContract Count$ AmountReduction
   by 9.0%
   by 18.0%
Iowa2012 1st - Bruce L. Braley (D)791$985,603,106-$88,704,283-$177,408,566
Iowa2012 2nd - David Loebsack (D)1,263$178,595,191-$16,073,568-$32,147,136
Iowa2012 3rd - Tom Latham (R)316$46,011,765-$4,141,059-$8,282,118
Iowa2012 4th - Steve King (R)200$36,514,721-$3,286,325-$6,572,650
TOTAL  2,570$1,246,724,783-$112,205,235-$224,410,470

A Note on the Breakdown by Congressional District

Calculated totals of Revenues and number of contracts for Defense contracts for each congressional district are estimates, because the amounts are aggregated by zip code, and a single zip code may include portions of two or more congressional districts.

To obtain these estimated total revenues for any given congressional district, the following algorithm was used:

1. If the zip code was located only in a single district, the amounts (number of contracts, dollar amount) for that zip code were assigned in full to that district.
2. If a zip code was located across multiple districts, the amounts (number of contracts, dollar amount) were divided by the number of districts shown in the listing, and assigned to each of those districts. Rounding errors were adjusted in the final district of the sequence, so that the total amounts remain the same overall. Whole dollars (no cents) were used in each such distribution.

The results are therefore of necessity approximate. CSP has developed a custom report for individual congressional districts, available on request, which provides contractor data for all zip codes that lie completely or partially within a given congressional district. In this way, researchers who request the report can determine the location of contracts for the district on a block by block basis.

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.8.0-CL) November 6, 2013 16:39:33