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Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report
By Place of Performance Data -- Sorted by Contracting Office

(FY 2012 Defense Contracts Baseline Data)

Estimated 9% to 18% Annual Budget Reductions Starting in FY 2013

Go to to view detailed reports on Florida counties, cities, Congressional Districts, industries, small businesses and information on sources and methodology.


  • Our military is carrying an unfair burden of deficit cuts. To date, our Defense budget has been hit with 50% of deficit reduction -- yet it accounts for less than 20% of total federal spending. As a result of these cuts, in 2012 President Obama limited U.S. military capability to fighting one "regional conflict" and one "holding action."
  • Sequestration Defense budget cuts of $500 billion, combined with previous Defense cuts of another $487 billion, will cut defense spending in local communities by 9% to 18% between 2013 and 2021.
  • These reports show how estimates of defense budget reductions from 9% to 18% could affect Florida with cuts in defense jobs and businesses. Ask your elected officials for ongoing updates on how these defense cuts will affect your community.
  • Alternative solutions have been proposed to maintain a strong defense, reduce our deficit and avoid tax increases. Elected officials have proposed that the President and Congress reduce mandatory entitlement spending and make cuts in the non-security programs in the Federal budget. Over 60% of federal spending goes to entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and now Obamacare.

StateCityContract YearGco$ AmountReduction
   by 9.0%
   by 18.0%
FloridaLakeland2012ACA, Army Reserve Contracting CE$28,944-$2,605-$5,210
FloridaLakeland2012Coastal Systems Station Dahlgren$1,317-$119-$237
FloridaLakeland2012Commanding General$5,991-$539-$1,078
FloridaLakeland2012Defense Logistics Agency$777,079-$69,937-$139,874
FloridaLakeland2012Defense Supply Center Columbus$37,361-$3,362-$6,725
FloridaLakeland2012Defense Supply Center Philadelphia$186,382-$16,774-$33,549
FloridaLakeland2012DLA Aviation$1,980,937-$178,284-$356,569
FloridaLakeland2012DLA Troop Support$34,701-$3,123-$6,246
FloridaLakeland2012DSC Columbus$75,064-$6,756-$13,512
FloridaLakeland2012DSC Philadelphia$9,468-$852-$1,704
FloridaLakeland2012DSC Richmond$147,080-$13,237-$26,474
FloridaLakeland2012DSCC Maritime Supplier$3,120-$281-$562
FloridaLakeland2012DSCC/Maritime Supplier Oper$23,915-$2,152-$4,305
FloridaLakeland2012Fisc Puget Sound$7,446-$670-$1,340
FloridaLakeland2012Fleet and Industrial Supply Cent$24,145-$2,173-$4,346
FloridaLakeland2012Letterkenny Army Depot$7,171-$645-$1,291
FloridaLakeland2012Naval Hospital Jacksonville FL$5,510-$496-$992
FloridaLakeland2012Naval Medical San Diego CA$4,975-$448-$896
FloridaLakeland2012Naval Special Warfare Group Two$12,465-$1,122-$2,244
FloridaLakeland2012TACOM - Anniston$14,926-$1,343-$2,687
FloridaLakeland2012USA Engineer Dist Jacksonville$7,667,618-$690,086-$1,380,171
FloridaLakeland2012USA Engineer Dist Mobile$53,195-$4,788-$9,575
FloridaLakeland2012USA Engineer Dist Savannah$150,716-$13,564-$27,129
FloridaLakeland2012USA Engineer District Galveston$2,040-$184-$367
FloridaLakeland2012USA Engineer District Wilmington$3,116-$280-$561
FloridaLakeland2012Walter Reed Army Medical Center$8,086-$728-$1,455
TOTAL   $11,287,784-$1,015,900-$2,031,801

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.8.0-PoP) November 6, 2013 17:01:43