For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
USSOCOM, Tako Contracting Div.
Forst Eustis, VA
What do they procure?
misc aircraft accys & comps; maint/rep of aircraft comps & accys; logistics support svcs; misc aircraft accys & comps; systems engineering svcs; helicopter rotor blades, drive mechanisms & comps
Military Branch
Army, Navy, Airforce
Functional Description
USSOCOM mission: Provide fully capable Special Operations Forces to defend the United States and its interests. Synchronize planning of global operations against terrorist networks.
Supporting Links
Contact Info

GCO ID#758

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:11