For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
National Guard Bureau, Cntrctng
Arlington, VA
What do they procure?
misc weapons; safety & rescue eq; weapons maint/rep shop spec eq; telephone & telegraph eq; comm security eq & comps; other cryptologic eq & comps; radio & TV comm eq, except airborne; radio & TV comm eq, airborne; night vision eq, emitted & reflected radiation; misc comm eq; ADPE & ADP eq; RDTE- mgmt support svcs; RDTE- basic research for construction; RDTE- mgmt support education; security studies (physical personal); maint/rep of aircraft structural comps; maint/rep of comm eq; systems engineering svcs; education svcs; engineering tech svcs; advertising svcs; logistics svcs; financial svcs; maint of electronic & comm facilities
Military Branch
Functional Description
The mission of NGB-J8C, Operational Contracting, is to provide timely, effective and efficient cradle-to-grave contract support for requirements to support the Office of the Chief, National Guard Bureau (C,NGB), and staff at the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Headquarters in Jefferson Plaza 1, the Director of the Army National Guard and staff at the Army National Guard Readiness Center (ARNGRC) in Arlington, VA and the Director of the Air National Guard and staff at the Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC) at Andrews AFB.
Supporting Links
Contact Info

GCO ID#397

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:09