For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
Directorate of Subsistence DSC
Philadelphia, PA
What do they procure?
fruits & vegetables; composite food packages; bakery & cereal products; special dietary foods & food specialty prep; meat, poultry & fish; condiments & related products; james, jellies & preserves
Military Branch
Functional Description
The Directorate of Subsistence is responsible for ensuring a logistical infrastructure is in place to supply present and future customers with the highest quality combat rations in a timely manner and at an affordable price.
Supporting Links
Contact Info (page 67)

GCO ID#268

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08