For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
DES/DCSO Contracting SVCS Office
Fort Belvoir, VA
What do they procure?
ADPE & ADP svcs/eq; automated info system design & integration svcs; systems engineering svcs
Military Branch
Functional Description
Designated as the DLA Contracting Services Office Center of Excellence for both enterprise-wide IT operational services, to include enterprise contracts and agreements for software licensing and hardware, and for other enterprise-wide common services not assigned to other COEs.  Provides DLA enterprise wide life-cycle contracting for these two COE contracting areas and provides on-site contracting for local Andrew T. McNamara Headquarters Complex (HQC) service and supply requirements, and requirements from other organizations supported by HQC in accordance with the FAR, the DFARS, and the DLAD. Manage the HQC Government Purchase Card Program for the HQC and other supported organizations. 
Supporting Links
Contact Info

GCO ID#262

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08