For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
Commanding Officer
Barstow, CA
What do they procure?
guns, through 30mm; guns, over 30mm up to 75mm; guns over 125mm through 150mm; launchers, rocket & pyrotechnic; degaussing & mine sweeping eq; camouflage & deception eq; weapons assembly interchange between 2 or more classes; misc weapons; fire control directors; fire control systems, complete; optical sighting & ranging eq; fire control stabilizing mechanisms; aircraft gunnery fire control comps; misc fire control eq; ammo, through 30mm; tactical sets, kits & outfits; pyrotechnics; demolition materials; surface explosive ordnance disposal tool; ammo handling & servicing eq; launchers- guided missile; airframe structural comps; aircraft wheel & brake systems; aircraft ground servicing eq; space survival eq; transport vessels- passenger & troops; misc ship & marine eq; ground effect vehicles; passenger motor vehicles; misc engine accessories- non aircraft & aircraft; earth moving & excavating eq; fittings for rope, cable & chain; refrigeration eq; air conditioning eq; fire fighting eq; haz mat spill containment & clean-up; safety & rescue eq; compressors & vacuum pumps; motor vehicle maint eq; misc maint eq; lumber & related wood materials; mineral construction materials bulk; misc construction materials; telephone & telegraph eq; comm security eq & comps; radio & TV eq, except airborne; radio navigation eq- except airborne; misc comm eq; antennas waveguides & related eq; maint/rep/alt of various materials, buildings & eq; lease/rental of aircraft; logistics support svcs; educational svcs; maint/rep of electric & electronic eq
Military Branch
Functional Description
no data
Supporting Links
Contact Info (address) - (phone)

GCO ID#189

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08