Contracting Office |
ACA, Fort SAM Houston |
Location |
Fort Sam Houston, TX |
What do they procure? |
chemical weapons & eq; misc weapons; optical sighting & ranging eq; surface use explosive ordnance disposal tools & eq; passenger motor vehicles; soil preparation eq; fire fighting eq; hazard-detecting instruments & apparatus; misc alarm, signal & security detection systems; training aids; ADPE & ADP eq; food cooking, baking & serving eq; maint/rep of various eq (fire control; tractors; materials handling; refrigeration, air cond eq; comm eq; etc.); physical medicine & rehab svcs; installation of comm eq; educational svcs; tech assistance; engineering technical svcs; gas svcs; electric svcs; janitorial svcs; reserve training (military); food svcs; air freight; lease/rental of various eq; maint of various buildings, facilities & infrastructure (labs & clinics; housing; storage; etc.) |
Military Branch |
Army |
Functional Description |
Plans, Integrates, Awards, and administers contracts throughout the ARFORGEN cycle to the Installation Management Command HeadQuarters, the Army North HeadQuarters, the Army South HeadQuarters, the Military District of Washington, and the Installation Management Command elements at its subordinate offices to provide the best value for the mission, soldiers and their families |
Supporting Links | |
Contact Info | |
GCO ID#118
Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at
Created by the Center for Security Policy
Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08