Contracting Office |
ACA, Fort Lewis |
Location |
Fort Lewis, Washington |
What do they procure? |
misc weapons; misc nuclear ordnance; optical sighting & ranging eq; misc fire control eq; misc ammunition; airfield specialized trucks & trailers; fire fighting eq; safety & rescue eq; night vision eq, emitted & reflected radiation; radio navigation eq, airborne; generators and generator sets, electrical; misc alarm, signal & security detection systems; chemical analysis instruments; ADPE & ADP eq; personal armor; maint/rep of various eq (vehicular eq comps; fire, rescue & safety; plumbing & heating eq; alarm & signal systems; etc.) |
Military Branch |
Army |
Functional Description |
Provide a World-Class customer-driven Business Service Office providing a tactical advantage to Team Joint Base Lewis – McChord service members with Business solutions that increase their effectiveness and operational readiness to allow them to react quickly and proactively in their changing mission needs. |
Supporting Links | |
Contact Info | |
GCO ID#112
Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at
Created by the Center for Security Policy
Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08