For the Common Defense

Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Reports
Contracting Office Profile

Contracting Office
ACA, Fort Lewis
Fort Lewis, Washington
What do they procure?
misc weapons; misc nuclear ordnance; optical sighting & ranging eq; misc fire control eq; misc ammunition; airfield specialized trucks & trailers; fire fighting eq; safety & rescue eq; night vision eq, emitted & reflected radiation; radio navigation eq, airborne; generators and generator sets, electrical; misc alarm, signal & security detection systems; chemical analysis instruments; ADPE & ADP eq; personal armor; maint/rep of various eq (vehicular eq comps; fire, rescue & safety; plumbing & heating eq; alarm & signal systems; etc.)
Military Branch
Functional Description
Provide a World-Class customer-driven Business Service Office providing a tactical advantage to Team Joint Base Lewis – McChord service members with Business solutions that increase their effectiveness and operational readiness to allow them to react quickly and proactively in their changing mission needs.
Supporting Links
Contact Info

GCO ID#112

Data sources and more data available at, compiled from public data at

Created by the Center for Security Policy Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08