Contracting Office |
934Conf/LGC |
Location |
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota |
What do they procure? |
engine cooling systems comps, nonaircraft; industrial making machines; safety & rescue eq; aircraft maint/rep shop specialized eq; comm security eq & comps; radio & TV comm eq, except airborne; generators & generator sets, electrical; wire & cable, electrical; drugs & biologicals; dental instruments, equip & supplies; electrical & electric properties measure & test instruments; chemical analysis instruments; photographic projection eq; office furniture; custodial- janitorial svcs; other airfield structures; maint/rep airport runways, maint/rep of electornic & comm facilities; maint- other airfield structures; maint- ship construciton & repair facilities; maint- highways, road,s streets & bridges; maint- troop housing facilities |
Military Branch |
Air Force |
Functional Description |
The wing’s mission is to fly C-130 H3 cargo aircraft, both airdropping and airlanding cargo and people. Aeromedical evacuation of patients within the theater of operations is another facet of the mission. The 934th Airlift Wing supports the Air Force mission on a daily basis, providing airlift both in the United States and around the world. |
Supporting Links | |
Contact Info | |
GCO ID#080
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Created by the Center for Security Policy
Defense Breakdown Economic Impact Report Generator (v.2.7.0--All) July 23, 2013 17:22:08